Verdict – Orange County

Our client was injured in a motor vehicle accident by someone who did not have auto insurance.

As a result, our client had to bring an uninsured motorist claim against his own auto insurer, State Farm. In what was truly one of the most bizarre trials ever, State Farm’s lawyer did everything is his power to deny their own insured, our client, proper compensation for his clear injuries. While the resulting verdict was not as large as had been hoped, it was still significantly more than the $100,000 insurance limits that State Farm had refused to pay. This case is still being litigated as attorney’s fees and costs will be sought for State Farm’s delays in failing to promptly pay this UM claim.

Verdict – Orange County

Our client was injured in a motor vehicle accident by someone who did not have auto insurance.

As a result, our client had to bring an uninsured motorist claim against his own auto insurer, State Farm. In what was truly one of the most bizarre trials ever, State Farm’s lawyer did everything is his power to deny their own insured, our client, proper compensation for his clear injuries. While the resulting verdict was not as large as had been hoped, it was still significantly more than the $100,000 insurance limits that State Farm had refused to pay. This case is still being litigated as attorney’s fees and costs will be sought for State Farm’s delays in failing to promptly pay this UM claim.


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