Verdict – Seminole County

Our client was a passenger in his cousin’s vehicle that had made a left turn in front of oncoming traffic, so our client took the brunt of the impact.

The negligent cousin had insurance with Mercury Insurance, who refused to pay the available $100,000 insurance policy. Instead, the insurance company turned family member against family member and forced this case to trial. Our client was not happy that his relationship with his cousin was severely impacted by this litigation, but he also was not willing to simply give up on his right for justice. On top of the verdict, the insurance company will also be obligated to pay for our client’s attorney’s fees and costs caused by their delays in failing to settle the case.

Verdict – Seminole County

Our client was a passenger in his cousin’s vehicle that had made a left turn in front of oncoming traffic, so our client took the brunt of the impact.

The negligent cousin had insurance with Mercury Insurance, who refused to pay the available $100,000 insurance policy. Instead, the insurance company turned family member against family member and forced this case to trial. Our client was not happy that his relationship with his cousin was severely impacted by this litigation, but he also was not willing to simply give up on his right for justice. On top of the verdict, the insurance company will also be obligated to pay for our client’s attorney’s fees and costs caused by their delays in failing to settle the case.


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